Package 'epwshiftr'

Title: Create Future 'EnergyPlus' Weather Files using 'CMIP6' Data
Description: Query, download climate change projection data from the 'CMIP6' (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6) project <> in the 'ESGF' (Earth System Grid Federation) platform <>, and create future 'EnergyPlus' <> Weather ('EPW') files adjusted from climate changes using data from Global Climate Models ('GCM').
Authors: Hongyuan Jia [aut, cre] , Adrian Chong [aut]
Maintainer: Hongyuan Jia <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-03-12 05:30:34 UTC

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epwshiftr: Create future EnergyPlus Weather files using CMIP6 data


Query, download climate change projection data from the CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6) project in the ESGF (Earth System Grid Federation) platform, and create future EnergyPlus Weather (EPW) files adjusted from climate changes using data from Global Climate Models (GCM).

Package options

  • epwshiftr.verbose: If TRUE, more detailed message will be printed. Default: FALSE.

  • epwshiftr.threshold_alpha: the threshold of the absolute value for alpha, i.e. monthly-mean fractional change, when performing morphing operations. The default value is set to 3. If the morphing methods are set "stretch" or "combined", and the absolute alpha exceeds the threshold value, warnings are issued and the morphing method fallbacks to "shift" to avoid unrealistic morphed values.

  • epwshiftr.dir: The directory to store package data, including CMIP6 model output file index and etc. If not set, the current user data directory will be used.


Hongyuan Jia

See Also

Useful links:

CMIP6 Controlled Vocabularies (CVs) and Data Request Dictionary


The Cmip6Dict object provides functionalities to fetch the latest CMIP6 Controlled Vocabularies (CVs) and Data Request (DReq) information.




The CMIP6 CVs gives a well-defined set of global attributes that are recorded in each CMIP6 model output, providing information necessary for interpreting the data. The data of CMIP6 CVs is stored as JSON files in the WCRP-CMIP GitHub Repo.

The CMIP6 DReq defines all the quantities from CMIP6 simulations that should be archived. This includes both quantities of general interest needed from most of the CMIP6-endorsed model intercomparison projects (MIPs) and quantities that are more specialized and only of interest to a single endorsed MIP. The raw data of DReq is stored a Microsoft Excel file (CMIP6_MIP_tables.xlsx) in a Subversion repo. The Cmip6Dict object uses the parsed DReq data that is stored in the GitHub Repo.

For more information, please see:


Public methods

Method version()

Get the version of CVs and Data Request


A list of two element:

Method is_empty()

Is it an empty Cmip6Dict?

⁠$is_empty()⁠ checks if this Cmip6Dict is empty, i.e. the ⁠$build() ⁠ or ⁠$load()⁠ method hasn't been called yet and there is no data of CVs and Data Request.


A single logical value of TRUE or FALSE.

Method timestamp()

Get the last modified time for CVs


A list of 14 DateTimes:

  • "cvs": The last modified time for the whole CV collection

  • "drs": The last modified time for Data Reference Syntax (DRS)

  • "activity_id": The last modified time for Activity ID

  • "experiment_id": The last modified time for Experiment ID

  • "frequency": The last modified time for Frequency

  • "grid_label": The last modified time for Grid Label

  • "institution_id": The last modified time for Institution ID

  • "nominal_resolution": The last modified time for Nominal Resolution

  • "realm": The last modified time for Realm

  • "required_global_attributes": The last modified time for Required Global Attributes

  • "source_id": The last modified time for Source ID

  • "source_type": The last modified time for Source Type

  • "sub_experiment_id": The last modified time for Sub-Experiment ID

  • "table_id": The last modified time for Table ID

Method built_time()

Get the time when the dictionary was built


A DateTime

Method build()

Fetch and parse all data of CVs and Data Request

Cmip6Dict$build(token = NULL, force = FALSE)

A string of GitHub token that is used to access GitHub REST APIs. If NULL, GITHUB_PAT or GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable will be used if exists. Default: NULL.


Whether to force to rebuild the dict when it has been already built before. Default: FALSE.


The updated Cmip6Dict itself.

Method get()

Get the data for a specific CV or Data Request


A single string indicating the type of data to list. Should be one of:

  • "drs": Data Reference Syntax (DRS)

  • "activity_id": Activity ID

  • "experiment_id": Experiment ID

  • "frequency": Frequency

  • "grid_label": Grid Label

  • "institution_id": Institution ID

  • "nominal_resolution": Nominal Resolution

  • "realm": Realm

  • "required_global_attributes": Required Global Attributes

  • "source_id": Source ID

  • "source_type": Source Type

  • "sub_experiment_id": Sub-Experiment ID

  • "table_id": Table ID

  • "dreq": Data Request


For "drs", "activity_id"⁠, ⁠"frequency"⁠, ⁠"grid_label"⁠, ⁠"institution_id"⁠, ⁠"source_type"and"sub_experiment_id"', a list.

For "experiment_id", "source_id" and "dreq", a data.table.

For "nominal_resolution", "required_global_attributes" and "table_id", a character vector.

Method save()

Save the Cmip6Dict object

⁠$save()⁠ stores all the core data of current Cmip6Dict object into an RDS file named CMIP6DICT in the specified folder. This file can be reloaded via ⁠$load()⁠ method to restore the last state of current Cmip6Dict object.

Cmip6Dict$save(dir = getOption("epwshiftr.dir", "."))

A single string giving the directory to save the RDS file. Default is set to the global option epwshiftr.dir. The directory will be created if not exists. If this global option is not set, the current working directory is used.


A single string giving the full path of the RDS file.

Method load()

Load the saved Cmip6Dict object from file

⁠$load()⁠ loads the RDS file named CMIP6DICT that is created using ⁠$save()⁠ method.

Please note that the file should be exactly the same as CMIP6DICT without file extension.

Cmip6Dict$load(dir = getOption("epwshiftr.dir", "."))

A single string giving the directory to find the RDS file. Default is set to the global option epwshiftr.dir. If this global option is not set, the current working directory is used.


A single string giving the full path of the RDS file.

Method print()

Print a summary of the current Cmip6Dict object

⁠$print()⁠ gives the summary of current Cmip6Dict object including the version of CVs and Data Request, and the last built time.


The Cmip6Dict object itself, invisibly.


Hongyuan Jia


## Not run: 

# create a new Cmip6Dict object
dict <- cmip6_dict()

# by default, there is no data when the Cmip6Dict was created

# fetch and parse all CVs and Data Request data

# get the version of CVs nand Data Request

# get the last modified time for each CV and Data Request

# get the time when the dict was built

# get the data of CVs and DReq

# save the dict object for later usage
# default location is the value of global option "epwshiftr.dir"

# the saved dict object can be reloaded
new_dict <- cmip6_dict()

# print will show the version summary and the last built time

## End(Not run)

Query CMIP6 data using ESGF search RESTful API


Query CMIP6 data using ESGF search RESTful API


  activity = "ScenarioMIP",
  variable = c("tas", "tasmax", "tasmin", "hurs", "hursmax", "hursmin", "pr", "rsds",
    "rlds", "psl", "sfcWind", "clt"),
  frequency = "day",
  experiment = c("ssp126", "ssp245", "ssp370", "ssp585"),
  source = c("AWI-CM-1-1-MR", "BCC-CSM2-MR", "CESM2", "CESM2-WACCM", "EC-Earth3",
    "EC-Earth3-Veg", "GFDL-ESM4", "INM-CM4-8", "INM-CM5-0", "MPI-ESM1-2-HR",
  variant = "r1i1p1f1",
  replica = FALSE,
  latest = TRUE,
  resolution = c("100 km", "50 km"),
  type = "Dataset",
  limit = 10000L,
  data_node = NULL



A character vector indicating activity identifiers. Default: "ScenarioMIP". Possible values:

  • "AerChemMIP": Aerosols and Chemistry Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "C4MIP": Coupled Climate Carbon Cycle Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "CDRMIP": Carbon Dioxide Removal Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "CFMIP": Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "CMIP": CMIP DECK: 1pctCO2, abrupt4xCO2, amip, esm-piControl, esm-historical, historical, and piControl experiments,

  • "CORDEX": Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment,

  • "DAMIP": Detection and Attribution Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "DCPP": Decadal Climate Prediction Project,

  • "DynVarMIP": Dynamics and Variability Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "FAFMIP": Flux-Anomaly-Forced Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "GMMIP": Global Monsoons Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "GeoMIP": Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "HighResMIP": High-Resolution Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "ISMIP6": Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for CMIP6,

  • "LS3MIP": Land Surface, Snow and Soil Moisture,

  • "LUMIP": Land-Use Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "OMIP": Ocean Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "PAMIP": Polar Amplification Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "PMIP": Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project,

  • "RFMIP": Radiative Forcing Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "SIMIP": Sea Ice Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "ScenarioMIP": Scenario Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "VIACSAB": Vulnerability, Impacts, Adaptation and Climate Services Advisory Board,

  • "VolMIP": Volcanic Forcings Model Intercomparison Project


A character vector indicating variable identifiers. The 12 most related variables for EPW are set as defaults. If NULL, all possible variables are returned. Default: c("tas", "tasmax", "tasmin", "hurs", "hursmax", "hursmin", "psl", "rss", "rls", "sfcWind", "pr", "clt"), where:

  • tas: Near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature, units: K.

  • tasmax: Maximum near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature, units: K.

  • tasmin: Minimum near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature, units: K.

  • hurs: Near-surface relative humidity, units: ⁠%⁠.

  • hursmax: Maximum near-surface relative humidity, units: ⁠%⁠.

  • hursmin: Minimum near-surface relative humidity, units: ⁠%⁠.

  • psl: Sea level pressure, units: Pa.

  • rsds: Surface downwelling shortwave radiation, units: ⁠W m-2⁠.

  • rlds: Surface downwelling longwave radiation, units: ⁠W m-2⁠.

  • sfcWind: Near-surface (usually, 10 meters) wind speed, units: ⁠m s-1⁠.

  • pr: Precipitation, units: ⁠kg m-2 s-1⁠.

  • clt: Total cloud area fraction for the whole atmospheric column, as seen from the surface or the top of the atmosphere. Units: ⁠%⁠.


A character vector of sampling frequency. If NULL, all possible frequencies are returned. Default: "day". Possible values:

  • "1hr": sampled hourly,

  • "1hrCM": monthly-mean diurnal cycle resolving each day into 1-hour means,

  • "1hrPt": sampled hourly, at specified time point within an hour,

  • "3hr": sampled every 3 hours,

  • "3hrPt": sampled 3 hourly, at specified time point within the time period,

  • "6hr": sampled every 6 hours,

  • "6hrPt": sampled 6 hourly, at specified time point within the time period,

  • "day": daily mean samples,

  • "dec": decadal mean samples,

  • "fx": fixed (time invariant) field,

  • "mon": monthly mean samples,

  • "monC": monthly climatology computed from monthly mean samples,

  • "monPt": sampled monthly, at specified time point within the time period,

  • "subhrPt": sampled sub-hourly, at specified time point within an hour,

  • "yr": annual mean samples,

  • "yrPt": sampled yearly, at specified time point within the time period


A character vector indicating root experiment identifiers. The Tier-1 experiment of activity ScenarioMIP are set as defaults. If NULL, all possible experiment are returned. Default: c("ssp126", "ssp245", "ssp370", "ssp585").


A character vector indicating model identifiers. Defaults are set to 11 sources which give outputs of all 4 experiment of activity ScenarioMIP with daily frequency, i.e. "AWI-CM-1-1-MR", "BCC-CSM2-MR", "CESM2", "CESM2-WACCM", "EC-Earth3", "EC-Earth3-Veg", "GFDL-ESM4", "INM-CM4-8", "INM-CM5-0", "MPI-ESM1-2-HR" and "MRI-ESM2-0". If NULL, all possible sources are returned.


A character vector indicating label constructed from 4 indices stored as global attributes in format ⁠r<k>i<l>p<m>f<n>⁠ described below. Default: "r1i1p1f1". If NULL, all possible variants are returned.

  • r: realization_index (⁠<k>⁠) = realization number (integer >0)

  • i: initialization_index (⁠<l>⁠) = index for variant of initialization method (integer >0)

  • p: physics_index (⁠<m>⁠) = index for model physics variant (integer >0)

  • f: forcing_index (⁠<n>⁠) = index for variant of forcing (integer >0)


Whether the record is the "master" copy, or a replica. Use FALSE to return only originals and TRUE to return only replicas. Use NULL to return both the master and the replicas. Default: FALSE.


Whether the record is the latest available version, or a previous version. Use TRUE to return only the latest version of all records and FALSE to return previous versions. Default: FALSE.


A character vector indicating approximate horizontal resolution. Default: c("50 km", "100 km"). If NULL, all possible resolutions are returned.


A single string indicating the intrinsic type of the record. Should be either "Dataset" or "File". Default: "Dataset".


An integer indicating the maximum of matched records to return. Should be <= 10,000. Default: 10000.


A character vector indicating data nodes to be queried. Default to NULL, which means all possible data nodes.


The Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) is an international collaboration for the software that powers most global climate change research, notably assessments by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The ESGF search service exposes a RESTful URL that can be used by clients to query the contents of the underlying search index, and return results matching the given constraints. With the distributed capabilities of the ESGF search, the URL at any Index Node can be used to query that Node only, or all Nodes in the ESGF system. esgf_query() uses the LLNL (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Index Node.

The core Controlled Vocabularies (CVs) for use in CMIP6, including all activities, experiment, sources (GCMs), frequencies can be found at the WCRP-CMIP/CMIP6_CVs GitHub repo.


A data.table::data.table with an attribute named response which is a list converted from json response. If no matched data is found, an empty data.table is returned. Otherwise, the columns of returned data varies based on the type:

  • If "Dataset", returned columns are:

    No. Column Type Description
    1 dataset_id Character Dataset universal identifier
    2 mip_era Character Activity's associated CMIP cycle. Will always be "CMIP6"
    3 activity_drs Character Activity DRS (Data Reference Syntax)
    4 institution_id Character Institution identifier
    5 source_id Character Model identifier
    6 experiment_id Character Root experiment identifier
    7 member_id Character A compound construction from sub_experiment_id and variant_label
    8 table_id Character Table identifier, i.e. sampling frequency identifier
    9 frequency Character Sampling frequency
    10 grid_label Character Grid identifier
    11 version Character Approximate date of model output file
    12 nominal_resolution Character Approximate horizontal resolution
    13 variable_id Character Variable identifier
    14 variable_long_name Character Variable long name
    15 variable_units Character Units of variable
    16 data_node Character Data node to download the model output file
    17 dataset_pid Character A unique string that helps identify the dataset
  • If "File", returned columns are:

    No. Column Type Description
    1 file_id Character Model output file universal identifier
    2 dataset_id Character Dataset universal identifier
    3 mip_era Character Activity's associated CMIP cycle. Will always be "CMIP6"
    4 activity_drs Character Activity DRS (Data Reference Syntax)
    5 institution_id Character Institution identifier
    6 source_id Character Model identifier
    7 experiment_id Character Root experiment identifier
    8 member_id Character A compound construction from sub_experiment_id and variant_label
    9 table_id Character Table identifier, i.e. sampling frequency identifier
    10 frequency Character Sampling frequency
    11 grid_label Character Grid identifier
    12 version Character Approximate date of model output file
    13 nominal_resolution Character Approximate horizontal resolution
    14 variable_id Character Variable identifier
    15 variable_long_name Character Variable long name
    16 variable_units Character Units of variable
    17 datetime_start POSIXct Start date and time of simulation
    18 datetime_end POSIXct End date and time of simulation
    19 file_size Character Model output file size in Bytes
    20 data_node Character Data node to download the model output file
    21 file_url Character Model output file download url from HTTP server
    22 tracking_id Character A unique string that helps identify the output file



## Not run: 
esgf_query(variable = "rss", experiment = "ssp126", resolution = "100 km", limit = 1)

esgf_query(variable = "rss", experiment = "ssp126", type = "File", limit = 1)

## End(Not run)

Query CMIP6 data using ESGF search RESTful API


The Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) is an international collaboration for the software that powers most global climate change research, notably assessments by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The ESGF search service exposes RESTful APIs that can be used by clients to query the contents of the underlying search index, and return results matching the given constraints. The documentation of the APIs can be found using this link

EsgfQuery is the workhorse for dealing with ESGF search services.


query_esgf(host = "")



The URL to the ESGF Search API service. This should be the URL of the ESGF search service excluding the final endpoint name. Usually this is ⁠http://<hostname>/esg-search⁠. Default is set to the LLNL (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Index Node, which is "".

EsgfQuery object

query_esgf() returns an EsgfQuery object, which is an R6 object with quite a few methods that can be classified into 3 categories:

  • Value listing: methods to list all possible values of facets, shards, etc.

  • Parameter getter & setter: methods to get the query parameter values or set them before sending the actual query to the ESGF search services.

  • Query responses: methods to collect results for the query response.

Value listing

When creating an EsgfQuery object, a facet listing query is sent to the index node to get all available facets and shards for the default project (CMIP6). EsgfQuery object provides three value-listing methods to extract data from the response of the facet listing query:

Parameter getter & setter

The ESGF search services support a lot of parameters. The EsgfQuery contains dedicated methods to set values for most of them, including:

All methods act in a similar way:

  • If input is given, the corresponding parameter is set and the updated EsgfQuery object is returned.

    • This makes it possible to chain different parameter setters, e.g. EsgfQuery$project("CMIP6")$frequency("day")$limit(1) sets the parameter project, frequency and limit sequentially.

    • For parameters that want character inputs, you can put a preceding ! to negate the constraints, e.g. EsgfQuery$project(!"CMIP6") searches for all projects except for CMIP6.

  • If no input is given, the current parameter value is returned. For example, directly calling EsgfQuery$project() returns the current value of the project parameter. The returned value can be two types:

    • NULL, i.e. there is no constraint on the corresponding parameter

    • An EsgfQueryParam object which is essentially a list of three elements:

      • value: The input values

      • negate: Whether there is a preceding ! in the input

      • name: The parameter name

Despite methods for specific keywords and facets, you can specify arbitrary query parameters using EsgfQuery$params() method. For details on the usage, please see the documentation.

Query responses

The query is not sent unless related methods are called:

  • EsgfQuery$count(): Count the total number of records that match the query.

    • You can return only the total number of matched record by calling EsgfQuery$count(facets = FALSE)

    • You can also count the matched records for specified facets, e.g. EsgfQuery$count(facets = c("source_id", "activity_id"))

  • EsgfQuery$collect(): Collect the query results and format it into a data.table

Other helpers

EsgfQuery object also provide several other helper functions:

  • EsgfQuery$build_cache(): By default, EsgfQuery$build_cache() is called when initialize a new EsgfQuery object. So in general, there is no need to call this separately. Basically, EsgfQuery$build_cahce() sends a facet listing query to the index node and stores the response internally. The response contains all available facets and shards and is used as a source for validating user input for parameter setters.

  • EsgfQuery$url(): Returns the actual query URL or the wget script URL which can be used to download all files matching the given constraints..

  • EsgfQuery$response(): Returns the actual response of EsgfQuery$count() and EsgfQuery$collect(). It is a named list generated from the JSON response using jsonlite::fromJSON().

  • EsgfQuery$print(): Print a summary of the current EsgfQuery object including the host URL, the built time of facet cache and all query parameters.


Public methods

Method new()

Create a new EsgfQuery object

When initialization, a facet listing query is sent to the index node to get all available facets and shards. This information will be used to validate inputs for activity_id, scource_id facets and etc.

EsgfQuery$new(host = "")

The URL to the ESGF Search API service. This should be the URL of the ESGF search service excluding the final endpoint name. Usually this is ⁠http://<hostname>/esg-search⁠. Default is to ses the LLNL (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Index Node, which is "".


An EsgfQuery object.

q <- EsgfQuery$new(host = "")

Method build_cache()

Build facet cache used for input validation

A facet cache is data that is fetched using a facet listing query to the index node. It contains all available facets and shards that can be used as parameter values within a specific project.

By default, ⁠$build_cache()⁠ is called when initialize a new EsgfQuery object for the default project (CMIP6). So in general, there is no need to call this method, unless that you want to rebuild the cache again with different projects after calling $project().


The modified EsgfQuery object.


Method list_all_facets()

List all available facet names


A character vector.


Method list_all_shards()

List all available shards


A character vector.


Method list_all_values()

List all available values of a specific facet


A single string giving the facet name.


A named character vector.


Method project()

Get or set the project facet parameter.

EsgfQuery$project(value = "CMIP6")

The parameter value. Default: "CMIP6". There are two options:

  • If value is not given, current value is returned.

  • A character vector or NULL. Note that you can put a preceding ! to negate the facet constraints. For example, $project(!c("CMIP5", "CMIP6")) searches for all projects except for CMIP5 and CMIP6.

  • If value is given, the modified EsgfQuery object.

  • Otherwise, an EsgfQueryParam object which is essentially a list of three elements:

    • value: input values.

    • negate: Whether there is a preceding !.

    • name: Parameter name.

# get current value

# set the parameter

# negate the project constraints

# remove the parameter

Method activity_id()

Get or set the activity_id facet parameter.


The parameter value. Default: NULL. There are two options:

  • If value is not given, current value is returned.

  • A character vector or NULL. Note that you can put a preceding ! to negate the facet constraints. For example, $activity_id(!c("C4MIP", "GeoMIP")) searches for all activity_ids except for C4MIP and GeoMIP.

  • If value is given, the modified EsgfQuery object.

  • Otherwise, an EsgfQueryParam object which is essentially a list of three elements:

    • value: input values.

    • negate: Whether there is a preceding !.

    • name: Parameter name.

# get current value

# set the parameter

# negate the constraints
q$activity_id(!c("CFMIP", "ScenarioMIP"))

# remove the parameter

Method experiment_id()

Get or set the experiment_id facet parameter.


The parameter value. Default: NULL. There are two options:

  • If value is not given, current value is returned.

  • A character vector or NULL. Note that you can put a preceding ! to negate the facet constraints. For example, $experiment_id(!c("ssp126", "ssp245")) searches for all experiment_ids except for ssp126 and ssp245.

  • If value is given, the modified EsgfQuery object.

  • Otherwise, an EsgfQueryParam object which is essentially a list of three elements:

    • value: input values.

    • negate: Whether there is a preceding !.

    • name: Parameter name.

# get current value

# set the parameter
q$experiment_id(c("ssp126", "ssp585"))

# negate the constraints
q$experiment_id(!c("ssp126", "ssp585"))

# remove the parameter

Method source_id()

Get or set the source_id facet parameter.


The parameter value. Default: NULL. There are two options:

  • If value is not given, current value is returned.

  • A character vector or NULL. Note that you can put a preceding ! to negate the facet constraints. For example, $source_id(!c("CESM2", "CESM2-FV2")) searches for all source_ids except for CESM2 and CESM2-FV2.

  • If value is given, the modified EsgfQuery object.

  • Otherwise, an EsgfQueryParam object which is essentially a list of three elements:

    • value: input values.

    • negate: Whether there is a preceding !.

    • name: Parameter name.

# get current value

# set the parameter
q$source_id(c("BCC-CSM2-MR", "CESM2"))

# negate the constraints
q$source_id(!c("BCC-CSM2-MR", "CESM2"))

# remove the parameter

Method variable_id()

Get or set the variable_id facet parameter.


The parameter value. Default: NULL. There are two options:

  • If value is not given, current value is returned.

  • A character vector or NULL. Note that you can put a preceding ! to negate the facet constraints. For example, $variable_id(!c("tas", "pr")) searches for all variable_ids except for tas and pr.

  • If value is given, the modified EsgfQuery object.

  • Otherwise, an EsgfQueryParam object which is essentially a list of three elements:

    • value: input values.

    • negate: Whether there is a preceding !.

    • name: Parameter name.

# get current value

# set the parameter
q$variable_id(c("tas", "pr"))

# negate the constraints
q$variable_id(!c("tas", "pr"))

# remove the parameter

Method frequency()

Get or set the frequency facet parameter.


The parameter value. Default: NULL. There are two options:

  • If value is not given, current value is returned.

  • A character vector or NULL. Note that you can put a preceding ! to negate the facet constraints. For example, $frequency(!c("day", "mon")) searches for all frequencys except for day and mon.

  • If value is given, the modified EsgfQuery object.

  • Otherwise, an EsgfQueryParam object which is essentially a list of three elements:

    • value: input values.

    • negate: Whether there is a preceding !.

    • name: Parameter name.

# get current value

# set the parameter
q$frequency(c("1hr", "day"))

# negate the constraints
q$frequency(!c("1hr", "day"))

# remove the parameter

Method variant_label()

Get or set the variant_label facet parameter.


The parameter value. Default: NULL. There are two options:

  • If value is not given, current value is returned.

  • A character vector or NULL. Note that you can put a preceding ! to negate the facet constraints. For example, $variant_label(!c("r1i1p1f1", "r2i1p1f1")) searches for all variant_labels except for r1i1p1f1 and r2i1p1f1.

  • If value is given, the modified EsgfQuery object.

  • Otherwise, an EsgfQueryParam object which is essentially a list of three elements:

    • value: input values.

    • negate: Whether there is a preceding !.

    • name: Parameter name.

# get current value

# set the parameter
q$variant_label(c("r1i1p1f1", "r1i2p1f1"))

# negate the constraints
q$variant_label(!c("r1i1p1f1", "r1i2p1f1"))

# remove the parameter

Method nominal_resolution()

Get or set the nominal_resolution facet parameter.


The parameter value. Default: NULL. There are two options:

  • If value is not given, current value is returned.

  • A character vector or NULL. Note that you can put a preceding ! to negate the facet constraints. For example, $nominal_resolution(!c("50 km", "1x1 degree")) searches for all nominal_resolutions except for 50 km and 1x1 degree.

  • If value is given, the modified EsgfQuery object.

  • Otherwise, an EsgfQueryParam object which is essentially a list of three elements:

    • value: input values.

    • negate: Whether there is a preceding !.

    • name: Parameter name.

# get current value

# set the parameter
q$nominal_resolution(c("100 km", "1x1 degree"))

# negate the constraints
q$nominal_resolution(!c("100 km", "1x1 degree"))

# remove the parameter

Method data_node()

Get or set the data_node parameter.


The parameter value. Default: NULL. There are two options:

  • If value is not given, current value is returned.

  • A character vector or NULL. Note that you can put a preceding ! to negate the facet constraints. For example, $data_node(!c("", "")) searches for all data_nodes except for and

  • If value is given, the modified EsgfQuery object.

  • Otherwise, an EsgfQueryParam object which is essentially a list of three elements:

    • value: input values.

    • negate: Whether there is a preceding !.

    • name: Parameter name.

# get current value

# set the parameter

# negate the constraints

# remove the parameter

Method facets()

Get or set the facets parameter for facet counting query.

Note that ⁠$facets()⁠ only affects $count() method when sending a query of facet counting.


The facet parameter value. Default: NULL. There are two options:

  • If value is not given, current value is returned.

  • A character vector or NULL. The special notation "*" can be used to indicate that all available facets should be considered.

  • If value is given, the modified EsgfQuery object.

  • Otherwise, an EsgfQueryParam object which is essentially a list of three elements:

    • value: input values.

    • negate: Whether there is a preceding !.

    • name: Parameter name.

# get current value

# set the facets
q$facets(c("activity_id", "source_id"))

# use all available facets

Method fields()

Get or set the fields parameter.

By default, all available metadata fields are returned for each query. ⁠$facets()⁠ can be used to limit the number of fields returned in the query response.

EsgfQuery$fields(value = "*")

The facet parameter value. Default: "*". There are two options:

  • If value is not given, current value is returned.

  • A character vector or NULL. The special notation "*" can be used to indicate that all available fields should be considered.

  • If value is given, the modified EsgfQuery object.

  • Otherwise, an EsgfQueryParam object which is essentially a list of three elements:

    • value: input values.

    • negate: Whether there is a preceding !.

    • name: Parameter name.

# get current value

# set the fields
q$fields(c("activity_id", "source_id"))

# use all available fields

# remove the parameter
# act the same as above because the default `fields` in ESGF search
# services is `*` if `fields` is not specified

Method shards()

Get or set the shards parameter.

By default, a distributed query targets all ESGF Nodes. ⁠$shards()⁠ can be used to execute a distributed search that targets only one or more specific nodes.

All available shards can be retrieved using $list_all_shards() method.


The facet parameter value. There are two options:

  • If value is not given, current value is returned.

  • A character vector or NULL.

  • If value is given, the modified EsgfQuery object.

  • Otherwise, an EsgfQueryParam object which is essentially a list of three elements:

    • value: input values.

    • negate: Whether there is a preceding !.

    • name: Parameter name.

# get current value

# set the parameter

# negate the constraints

# only applicable for distributed queries
q$distrib(FALSE)$shards("localhost:8983/solr/datasets") # Error

# remove the parameter

Method replica()

Get or set the replica parameter.

By default, a query returns all records (masters and replicas) matching the search criteria, i.e. ⁠$replica(NULL)⁠. To return only master records, use ⁠$replica(FALSE)⁠; to return only replicas, use ⁠$replica(TRUE)⁠.


The facet parameter value. Default: NULL. There are two options:

  • If value is not given, current value is returned.

  • A flag or NULL.

  • If value is given, the modified EsgfQuery object.

  • Otherwise, an EsgfQueryParam object which is essentially a list of three elements:

    • value: input values.

    • negate: Whether there is a preceding !.

    • name: Parameter name.

# get current value

# set the parameter

# remove the parameter

Method latest()

Get or set the latest parameter.

By default, a query to the ESGF search services returns only the very last, up-to-date version of the matching records, i.e. ⁠$latest(TRUE)⁠. You can use ⁠$latest(FALSE)⁠ to return all versions.

EsgfQuery$latest(value = TRUE)

The facet parameter value. Default: TRUE. There are two options:

  • If value is not given, current value is returned.

  • A flag.

  • If value is given, the modified EsgfQuery object.

  • Otherwise, an EsgfQueryParam object which is essentially a list of three elements:

    • value: input values.

    • negate: Whether there is a preceding !.

    • name: Parameter name.

# get current value

# set the parameter

Method type()

Get or set the type parameter.

There are three types in total: Dataset, File or Aggregation.

EsgfQuery$type(value = "Dataset")

The facet parameter value. Default: "Dataset". There are two options:

  • If value is not given, current value is returned.

  • A string.

  • If value is given, the modified EsgfQuery object.

  • Otherwise, an EsgfQueryParam object which is essentially a list of three elements:

    • value: input values.

    • negate: Whether there is a preceding !.

    • name: Parameter name.

# get current value

# set the parameter

Method limit()

Get or set the limit parameter.

⁠$limit()⁠ can be used to limit the number of records to return. Note that the maximum number of records to return per query for ESGF search services is 10,000. A warning is issued if input value is greater than that. In this case, limit will be reset to 10,000.

EsgfQuery$limit(value = 10L)

The facet parameter value. Default: 10. There are two options:

  • If value is not given, current value is returned.

  • An integer.

  • If value is given, the modified EsgfQuery object.

  • Otherwise, an EsgfQueryParam object which is essentially a list of three elements:

    • value: input values.

    • negate: Whether there is a preceding !.

    • name: Parameter name.

# get current value

# set the parameter

# `limit` is reset to 10,000 if input is greater than that
q$limit(10000L) # warning

Method offset()

Get or set the offset parameter.

If the query returns records that exceed the limit number, ⁠$offset()⁠ can be used to paginate through the available results.

EsgfQuery$offset(value = 0L)

The facet parameter value. Default: 0. There are two options:

  • If value is not given, current value is returned.

  • An integer.

  • If value is given, the modified EsgfQuery object.

  • Otherwise, an EsgfQueryParam object which is essentially a list of three elements:

    • value: input values.

    • negate: Whether there is a preceding !.

    • name: Parameter name.

# get current value

# set the parameter

Method distrib()

Get or set the distrib facet

By default, the query is sent to all ESGF Nodes, i.e. ⁠$distrib(TRUE)⁠. ⁠$distrib(FALSE)⁠ can be used to execute the query only on the target node.

EsgfQuery$distrib(value = TRUE)

The facet parameter value. Default: TRUE. There are two options:

  • If value is not given, current value is returned.

  • A flag.

  • If value is given, the modified EsgfQuery object.

  • Otherwise, an EsgfQueryParam object which is essentially a list of three elements:

    • value: input values.

    • negate: Whether there is a preceding !.

    • name: Parameter name.

# get current value

# set the parameter

Method params()

Get or set other parameters.

⁠$params()⁠ can be used to specify other parameters that do not have a dedicated method, e.g. version, master_id, etc. It can also be used to overwrite existing parameter values specified using methods like $activity_id().


Parameter values to set. There are three options:

  • If not given, existing parameters that do not have a dedicated method are returned.

  • If NULL, all existing parameters that do not have a dedicated method are removed.

  • A named vector, e.g. ⁠$params(score = 1, table_id = "day")⁠ will set score to 1 and table_id to day. The ! notation can still be used to negate the constraints, e.g. ⁠$params(table_id = !c("3hr", "day"))⁠ searches for all table_id except for ⁠3hr⁠ and day.

  • If parameters are specified, the modified EsgfQuery object, invisibly.

  • Otherwise, an empty list for ⁠$params(NULL)⁠ or a list of EsgfQueryParam objects.

# get current values
# default is an empty list (`list()`)

# set the parameter
q$params(table_id = c("3hr", "day"), member_id = "00")

# reset existing parameters
q$params(frequency = "mon")
q$frequency() # frequency value has been changed using $params()

# negating the constraints is also supported
q$params(table_id = !c("3hr", "day"))

# use NULL to remove all parameters

Method url()

Get the URL of actual query or wget script

EsgfQuery$url(wget = FALSE)

Whether to return the URL of the wget script that can be used to download all files matching the given constraints. Default: FALSE.


A single string.


# get the wget script URL
q$url(wget = TRUE)

# You can download the wget script using the URL directly. For
# example, the code below downloads the script and save it as
# '' in R's temporary folder:
download.file(q$url(TRUE), file.path(tempdir(), ""), mode = "wb")


Method count()

Send a query of facet counting and fetch the results

EsgfQuery$count(facets = TRUE)

NULL, a flag or a character vector. There are three options:

  • If NULL or FALSE, only the total number of matched records is returned.

  • If TRUE, the value of $facets() is used to limit the facets. This is the default value.

  • If a character vector, it is used to limit the facets.

  • If facets equals NULL or FALSE, or ⁠$facets()⁠ returns NULL, an integer.

  • Otherwise, a named list with the first element always being total which is the total number of matched records. Other elements have the same length as input facets and are all named integer vectors.

# get the total number of matched records
q$count(NULL) # or q$count(facets = FALSE)

# count records for specific facets
q$facets(c("activity_id", "source_id"))$count()

# same as above
q$count(facets = c("activity_id", "source_id"))

Method collect()

Send the actual query and fetch the results

⁠$collect()⁠ sends the actual query to the ESGF search services and returns the results in a data.table::data.table. The columns depend on the value of query type and fields parameter.


A data.table.


Method response()

Get the response of last sent query

The response of the last sent query is always stored internally and can be retrieved using ⁠$response()⁠. It is a named list generated from the JSON response using jsonlite::fromJSON().


A named list.


Method print()

Print a summary of the current EsgfQuery object

⁠$print()⁠ gives the summary of current EsgfQuery object including the host URL, the built time of facet cache and all query parameters.


The EsgfQuery object itself, invisibly.



Hongyuan Jia


## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$new`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
q <- EsgfQuery$new(host = "")

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$build_cache`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$list_all_facets`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$list_all_shards`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$list_all_values`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$project`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get current value

# set the parameter

# negate the project constraints

# remove the parameter

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$activity_id`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get current value

# set the parameter

# negate the constraints
q$activity_id(!c("CFMIP", "ScenarioMIP"))

# remove the parameter

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$experiment_id`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get current value

# set the parameter
q$experiment_id(c("ssp126", "ssp585"))

# negate the constraints
q$experiment_id(!c("ssp126", "ssp585"))

# remove the parameter

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$source_id`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get current value

# set the parameter
q$source_id(c("BCC-CSM2-MR", "CESM2"))

# negate the constraints
q$source_id(!c("BCC-CSM2-MR", "CESM2"))

# remove the parameter

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$variable_id`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get current value

# set the parameter
q$variable_id(c("tas", "pr"))

# negate the constraints
q$variable_id(!c("tas", "pr"))

# remove the parameter

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$frequency`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get current value

# set the parameter
q$frequency(c("1hr", "day"))

# negate the constraints
q$frequency(!c("1hr", "day"))

# remove the parameter

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$variant_label`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get current value

# set the parameter
q$variant_label(c("r1i1p1f1", "r1i2p1f1"))

# negate the constraints
q$variant_label(!c("r1i1p1f1", "r1i2p1f1"))

# remove the parameter

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$nominal_resolution`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get current value

# set the parameter
q$nominal_resolution(c("100 km", "1x1 degree"))

# negate the constraints
q$nominal_resolution(!c("100 km", "1x1 degree"))

# remove the parameter

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$data_node`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get current value

# set the parameter

# negate the constraints

# remove the parameter

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$facets`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get current value

# set the facets
q$facets(c("activity_id", "source_id"))

# use all available facets

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$fields`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get current value

# set the fields
q$fields(c("activity_id", "source_id"))

# use all available fields

# remove the parameter
# act the same as above because the default `fields` in ESGF search
# services is `*` if `fields` is not specified

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$shards`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get current value

# set the parameter

# negate the constraints

# only applicable for distributed queries
q$distrib(FALSE)$shards("localhost:8983/solr/datasets") # Error

# remove the parameter

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$replica`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get current value

# set the parameter

# remove the parameter

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$latest`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get current value

# set the parameter

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$type`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get current value

# set the parameter

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$limit`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get current value

# set the parameter

# `limit` is reset to 10,000 if input is greater than that
q$limit(10000L) # warning

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$offset`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get current value

# set the parameter

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$distrib`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get current value

# set the parameter

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$params`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get current values
# default is an empty list (`list()`)

# set the parameter
q$params(table_id = c("3hr", "day"), member_id = "00")

# reset existing parameters
q$params(frequency = "mon")
q$frequency() # frequency value has been changed using $params()

# negating the constraints is also supported
q$params(table_id = !c("3hr", "day"))

# use NULL to remove all parameters

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$url`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 

# get the wget script URL
q$url(wget = TRUE)

# You can download the wget script using the URL directly. For
# example, the code below downloads the script and save it as
# '' in R's temporary folder:
download.file(q$url(TRUE), file.path(tempdir(), ""), mode = "wb")

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$count`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# get the total number of matched records
q$count(NULL) # or q$count(facets = FALSE)

# count records for specific facets
q$facets(c("activity_id", "source_id"))$count()

# same as above
q$count(facets = c("activity_id", "source_id"))

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$collect`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$response`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `EsgfQuery$print`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Extract data


extract_data() takes an epw_cmip6_coord object generated using match_coord() and extracts CMIP6 data using the coordinates and years of interest specified.


  years = NULL,
  unit = FALSE,
  out_dir = NULL,
  by = NULL,
  keep = is.null(out_dir),
  compress = 100



An epw_cmip6_coord object created using match_coord()


An integer vector indicating the target years to be included in the data file. All other years will be excluded. If NULL, no subsetting on years will be performed. Default: NULL.


If TRUE, units will be added to values using units::set_units().


The directory to save extracted data using fst::write_fst(). If NULL, all data will be kept in memory by default. Default: NULL.


A character vector of variable names used to split data during extraction. Should be a subset of:

  • "experiment": root experiment identifiers

  • "source": model identifiers

  • "variable": variable identifiers

  • "activity": activity identifiers

  • "frequency": sampling frequency

  • "variant": variant label

  • "resolution": approximate horizontal resolution

If NULL and out_dir is given, file name data.fst will be used. Default: NULL.


Whether keep extracted data in memory. Default: TRUE if out_dir is NULL, and FALSE otherwise.


A single integer in the range 0 to 100, indicating the amount of compression to use. Lower values mean larger file sizes. Default: 100.


extract_data() supports common calendars, including ⁠365_day⁠ and ⁠360_day⁠, thanks to the PCICt package.

extract_data() uses future.apply underneath. You can use your preferable future backend to speed up data extraction in parallel. By default, extract_data() uses future::sequential backend, which runs things in sequential.


An epw_cmip6_data object, which is basically a list of 3 elements:

  • epw: An eplusr::Epw object whose longitude and latitude are used to extract CMIP6 data. It is the same object as created in match_coord()

  • meta: A list containing basic metadata of input EPW, including city, state_province, country, latitude and longitude.

  • data: An empty data.table::data.table() if keep is FALSE or a data.table::data.table() of 14 columns if keep is TRUE:

    No. Column Type Description
    1 activity_drs Character Activity DRS (Data Reference Syntax)
    2 institution_id Character Institution identifier
    3 source_id Character Model identifier
    4 experiment_id Character Root experiment identifier
    5 member_id Character A compound construction from sub_experiment_id and variant_label
    6 table_id Character Table identifier
    7 lon Double Longitude of extracted location
    8 lat Double Latitude of extracted location
    9 dist Double The spherical distance in km between EPW location and grid coordinates
    10 datetime POSIXct Datetime for the predicted value
    11 variable Character Variable identifier
    12 description Character Variable long name
    13 units Character Units of variable
    14 value Double The actual predicted value


## Not run: 
coord <- match_coord("path_to_an_EPW")
extract_data(coord, years = 2030:2060)

## End(Not run)

Create future EPW files using morphed data


Create future EPW files using morphed data


  by = c("experiment", "source", "interval"),
  dir = ".",
  separate = TRUE,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  full = FALSE



An epw_cmip6_morphed object created using morphing_epw().


A character vector of columns to be used as grouping variables when creating EPW files. Should be a subset of:

  • "experiment": root experiment identifiers

  • "source": model identifiers

  • "variable": variable identifiers

  • "activity": activity identifiers

  • "frequency": sampling frequency

  • "variant": variant label

  • "resolution": approximate horizontal resolution

  • "longitude": averaged longitude of input data

  • "latitude": averaged latitude of input data


The parent directory to save the generated EPW files. If not exist, it will be created first. Default: ".", i.e., current working directory.


If TRUE, each EPW file will be saved into a separate folder using grouping variables specified in by.


If TRUE, overwrite existing files if they exist. Default: FALSE.


If TRUE, a data.table containing information about how the data are split and also the generated future EPWs and their paths are returned. Default: FALSE.


If full is FALSE, which is the default, a list of generated eplusr::Epw objects, invisibly. Otherwise, a data.table with columns:

  • specified by the by value

  • epw: a list of eplusr::Epw

  • path: full paths of the generated EPW files

Get the path of directory where epwshiftr data is stored


If option epwshiftr.dir is set, use it. Otherwise, get package data storage directory using rappdirs::user_data_dir().




A single string.


options(epwshiftr.dir = tempdir())

Get data nodes which store CMIP6 output


Get data nodes which store CMIP6 output


get_data_node(speed_test = FALSE, timeout = 3)



If TRUE, use pingr::ping() to perform connection speed test on each data node. A ping column is appended in returned data.table which stores each data node response in milliseconds. This feature needs pingr package already installed. Default: FALSE.


Timeout for a ping response in seconds. Default: 3.


A data.table::data.table() of 2 or 3 (when speed_test is TRUE) columns:

Column Type Description
data_node character Web address of data node
status character Status of data node. "UP" means OK and "DOWN" means currently not available
ping double Data node response in milliseconds during speed test


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Build CMIP6 experiment output file index


init_cmip6_index() will search the CMIP6 model output file using esgf_query() , return a data.table::data.table() containing the actual NetCDF file url to download, and store it into user data directory for future use.


  activity = "ScenarioMIP",
  variable = c("tas", "tasmax", "tasmin", "hurs", "hursmax", "hursmin", "pr", "rsds",
    "rlds", "psl", "sfcWind", "clt"),
  frequency = "day",
  experiment = c("ssp126", "ssp245", "ssp370", "ssp585"),
  source = c("AWI-CM-1-1-MR", "BCC-CSM2-MR", "CESM2", "CESM2-WACCM", "EC-Earth3",
    "EC-Earth3-Veg", "GFDL-ESM4", "INM-CM4-8", "INM-CM5-0", "MPI-ESM1-2-HR",
  variant = "r1i1p1f1",
  replica = FALSE,
  latest = TRUE,
  resolution = c("100 km", "50 km"),
  limit = 10000L,
  data_node = NULL,
  years = NULL,
  save = FALSE



A character vector indicating activity identifiers. Default: "ScenarioMIP". Possible values:

  • "AerChemMIP": Aerosols and Chemistry Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "C4MIP": Coupled Climate Carbon Cycle Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "CDRMIP": Carbon Dioxide Removal Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "CFMIP": Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "CMIP": CMIP DECK: 1pctCO2, abrupt4xCO2, amip, esm-piControl, esm-historical, historical, and piControl experiments,

  • "CORDEX": Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment,

  • "DAMIP": Detection and Attribution Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "DCPP": Decadal Climate Prediction Project,

  • "DynVarMIP": Dynamics and Variability Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "FAFMIP": Flux-Anomaly-Forced Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "GMMIP": Global Monsoons Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "GeoMIP": Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "HighResMIP": High-Resolution Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "ISMIP6": Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for CMIP6,

  • "LS3MIP": Land Surface, Snow and Soil Moisture,

  • "LUMIP": Land-Use Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "OMIP": Ocean Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "PAMIP": Polar Amplification Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "PMIP": Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project,

  • "RFMIP": Radiative Forcing Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "SIMIP": Sea Ice Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "ScenarioMIP": Scenario Model Intercomparison Project,

  • "VIACSAB": Vulnerability, Impacts, Adaptation and Climate Services Advisory Board,

  • "VolMIP": Volcanic Forcings Model Intercomparison Project


A character vector indicating variable identifiers. The 12 most related variables for EPW are set as defaults. If NULL, all possible variables are returned. Default: c("tas", "tasmax", "tasmin", "hurs", "hursmax", "hursmin", "psl", "rss", "rls", "sfcWind", "pr", "clt"), where:

  • tas: Near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature, units: K.

  • tasmax: Maximum near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature, units: K.

  • tasmin: Minimum near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature, units: K.

  • hurs: Near-surface relative humidity, units: ⁠%⁠.

  • hursmax: Maximum near-surface relative humidity, units: ⁠%⁠.

  • hursmin: Minimum near-surface relative humidity, units: ⁠%⁠.

  • psl: Sea level pressure, units: Pa.

  • rsds: Surface downwelling shortwave radiation, units: ⁠W m-2⁠.

  • rlds: Surface downwelling longwave radiation, units: ⁠W m-2⁠.

  • sfcWind: Near-surface (usually, 10 meters) wind speed, units: ⁠m s-1⁠.

  • pr: Precipitation, units: ⁠kg m-2 s-1⁠.

  • clt: Total cloud area fraction for the whole atmospheric column, as seen from the surface or the top of the atmosphere. Units: ⁠%⁠.


A character vector of sampling frequency. If NULL, all possible frequencies are returned. Default: "day". Possible values:

  • "1hr": sampled hourly,

  • "1hrCM": monthly-mean diurnal cycle resolving each day into 1-hour means,

  • "1hrPt": sampled hourly, at specified time point within an hour,

  • "3hr": sampled every 3 hours,

  • "3hrPt": sampled 3 hourly, at specified time point within the time period,

  • "6hr": sampled every 6 hours,

  • "6hrPt": sampled 6 hourly, at specified time point within the time period,

  • "day": daily mean samples,

  • "dec": decadal mean samples,

  • "fx": fixed (time invariant) field,

  • "mon": monthly mean samples,

  • "monC": monthly climatology computed from monthly mean samples,

  • "monPt": sampled monthly, at specified time point within the time period,

  • "subhrPt": sampled sub-hourly, at specified time point within an hour,

  • "yr": annual mean samples,

  • "yrPt": sampled yearly, at specified time point within the time period


A character vector indicating root experiment identifiers. The Tier-1 experiment of activity ScenarioMIP are set as defaults. If NULL, all possible experiment are returned. Default: c("ssp126", "ssp245", "ssp370", "ssp585").


A character vector indicating model identifiers. Defaults are set to 11 sources which give outputs of all 4 experiment of activity ScenarioMIP with daily frequency, i.e. "AWI-CM-1-1-MR", "BCC-CSM2-MR", "CESM2", "CESM2-WACCM", "EC-Earth3", "EC-Earth3-Veg", "GFDL-ESM4", "INM-CM4-8", "INM-CM5-0", "MPI-ESM1-2-HR" and "MRI-ESM2-0". If NULL, all possible sources are returned.


A character vector indicating label constructed from 4 indices stored as global attributes in format ⁠r<k>i<l>p<m>f<n>⁠ described below. Default: "r1i1p1f1". If NULL, all possible variants are returned.

  • r: realization_index (⁠<k>⁠) = realization number (integer >0)

  • i: initialization_index (⁠<l>⁠) = index for variant of initialization method (integer >0)

  • p: physics_index (⁠<m>⁠) = index for model physics variant (integer >0)

  • f: forcing_index (⁠<n>⁠) = index for variant of forcing (integer >0)


Whether the record is the "master" copy, or a replica. Use FALSE to return only originals and TRUE to return only replicas. Use NULL to return both the master and the replicas. Default: FALSE.


Whether the record is the latest available version, or a previous version. Use TRUE to return only the latest version of all records and FALSE to return previous versions. Default: FALSE.


A character vector indicating approximate horizontal resolution. Default: c("50 km", "100 km"). If NULL, all possible resolutions are returned.


An integer indicating the maximum of matched records to return. Should be <= 10,000. Default: 10000.


A character vector indicating data nodes to be queried. Default to NULL, which means all possible data nodes.


An integer vector indicating the target years to be include in the data file. All other years will be excluded. If NULL, no subsetting on years will be performed. Default: NULL.


If TRUE, the results will be saved into user data directory. Default: FALSE.


For details on where the file index is stored, see rappdirs::user_data_dir().


A data.table::data.table with 22 columns:

No. Column Type Description
1 file_id Character Model output file universal identifier
2 dataset_id Character Dataset universal identifier
3 mip_era Character Activity's associated CMIP cycle. Will always be "CMIP6"
4 activity_drs Character Activity DRS (Data Reference Syntax)
5 institution_id Character Institution identifier
6 source_id Character Model identifier
7 experiment_id Character Root experiment identifier
8 member_id Character A compound construction from sub_experiment_id and variant_label
9 table_id Character Table identifier
10 frequency Character Sampling frequency
11 grid_label Character Grid identifier
12 version Character Approximate date of model output file
13 nominal_resolution Character Approximate horizontal resolution
14 variable_id Character Variable identifier
15 variable_long_name Character Variable long name
16 variable_units Character Units of variable
17 datetime_start POSIXct Start date and time of simulation
18 datetime_end POSIXct End date and time of simulation
19 file_size Character Model output file size in Bytes
20 data_node Character Data node to download the model output file
21 dataset_pid Character A unique string that helps identify the dataset
22 tracking_id Character A unique string that helps identify the output file


Argument limit will only apply to Dataset query. init_cmip6_index() will try to get all model output files which match the dataset id.


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Load previously stored CMIP6 experiment output file index


Load previously stored CMIP6 experiment output file index


load_cmip6_index(force = FALSE)



If TRUE, read the index file. Otherwise, return the cached index if exists. Default: FALSE.


A data.table::data.table with 20 columns. For detail description on column, see init_cmip6_index().


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Match coordinates of input EPW in the CMIP6 output file database


match_coord() takes an EPW and uses its longitude and latitude to calculate the distance between the EPW location and the global grid points in NetCDF files.


match_coord(epw, threshold = list(lon = 1, lat = 1), max_num = NULL)



Possible values:

  • A file path of EPW file

  • An eplusr::Epw object

  • A regular expression used to search locations in EnergyPlus Weather Database, e.g. "los angeles.*tmy3". You will be asked to select a matched EPW to download and read. It will be saved into tempdir(). Note that the search is case-insensitive


A list of 2 elements lon and lat specifying the absolute distance threshold used for subsetting longitude and latitude value for calculating distances. If NULL, no subsetting is performed and the distances between the target location and all grid points are calculated. This is useful set the threshold value to exclude some points that are absolute too far away from the target location. Default: list(lon = 1.0, lat = 1.0)


The maximum number of grid points to be matched. Default is NULL, which means no number limit and the total matched grid points are determined by the threshold input.


match_coord() uses future.apply underneath. You can use your preferable future backend to speed up data extraction in parallel. By default, match_coord() uses future::sequential backend, which runs things in sequential.


An epw_cmip6_coord object, which is basically a list of 3 elements:

  • epw: An eplusr::Epw object parsed from input epw argument

  • meta: A list containing basic meta data of input EPW, including city, state_province, country, latitute and longitude.

  • coord: A data.table::data.table() which is basically CMIP6 index database with an appending new list column coord that contains matched latitudes and longitudes in each NetCDF file. Each element in coord is a data.table::data.table() of 6 columns describing the matched coordinates.

    • index: the indices of matched coordinates

    • ind_lon, ind_lat: The value indices of longitude or latitude in the NetCDF coordinate grids. These values are used to extract the corresponding variable values

    • lon, lat: the actual longitude or latitude in the NetCDF coordinate grids

    • dist: the distance in km between the coordinate values in NetCDF and input EPW

Geographical distance calculation

match_coord() calculates the geographical distances based formulas of spherical trigonometry:

ΔX=cos(ϕ2)cos(λ2)cos(ϕ1)cos(λ1)\Delta{X}=\cos(\phi_2)\cos(\lambda_2) - \cos(\phi_1)\cos(\lambda_1)

ΔY=cos(ϕ2)sin(λ2)cos(ϕ1)sin(λ1)\Delta{Y}=\cos(\phi_2)\sin(\lambda_2) - \cos(\phi_1)\sin(\lambda_1)

ΔZ=sin(ϕ2)sin(ϕ1)\Delta{Z}=\sin(\phi_2) - \sin(\phi_1)

Ch=(ΔX)2+(ΔY)2+(ΔZ)2C_h=\sqrt{(\Delta{X})^2 + (\Delta{Y})^2 + (\Delta{Z})^2}

where phiphi is the latitude and lambdalambda is the longitude. This formula treats the Earth as a sphere. The geographical distance between points on the surface of a spherical Earth is D=RChD = RC_h.

For more details, please see this Wikipedia


## Not run: 
# download an EPW from EnergyPlus website
epw <- eplusr::download_weather("los angeles.*TMY3", dir = tempdir(),
    type = "EPW", ask = FALSE)

match_coord(epw, threshold = list(lon = 1.0, lat = 1.0))

## End(Not run)

Morphing EPW weather variables


morphing_epw() takes an epw_cmip6_data object generated using extract_data() and calculates future core EPW weather variables using Morphing Method.


  years = NULL,
  labels = NULL,
  methods = NULL,
  warning = FALSE



An epw_cmip6_dataobject generated using extract_data()


An integer vector indicating the target years to be considered. If NULL, all years in input data will be considered. Default: NULL.


A character or factor vector used for grouping input years. Usually are the outputs of base::cut(). labels should have the same length as years. If given, climate data of years grouped by labels will be averaged. Default: NULL.


A named character giving the methods of morphing procedures of each variables. Possible variable names are tdb, rh, p, hor_ir, glob_rad, wind. Possible values are: "stretch", "shift" and "combined". For example: c(tdb = "stretch", rh = "shift"). "combined" is only applicable to tdb. The default morphing method for each variable is listed in the Return section. If NULL, the default methods will be used. Default: NULL.


If TRUE, warnings will be issued for cases with input data less than a decade (10 years). This is because using data that only covers a short period of time may not be able to capture the average of future climate. Default: FALSE.


The EPW weather variables that get morphed are listed in details.


An epw_cmip6_morphed object, which is basically a list of 12 elements:

No. Element Type Morphing Method Description
1 epw eplusr::Epw N/A The original EPW file used for morphing
2 tdb data.table::data.table() Stretch Data of dry-bulb temperature after morphing
3 tdew data.table::data.table() Derived Data of dew-point temperature after morphing
4 rh data.table::data.table() Stretch Data of relative humidity after morphing
5 p data.table::data.table() Stretch Data of atmospheric pressure after morphing
6 hor_ir data.table::data.table() Stretch Data of horizontal infrared radiation from the sky after morphing
7 glob_rad data.table::data.table() Stretch Data of global horizontal radiation after morphing
8 norm_rad data.table::data.table() Derived Data of direct normal radiation after morphing
9 diff_rad data.table::data.table() Stretch Data of diffuse horizontal radiation after morphing
10 wind data.table::data.table() Stretch Data of wind speed after morphing
11 total_cover data.table::data.table() Derived Data of total sky cover after morphing
12 opaque_cover data.table::data.table() Derived Data of opaque sky cover after morphing

Each data.table::data.table() listed above contains 19 columns below or an empty data.table::data.table() if the corresponding variables cannot be found in the input epw_cmip6_data object.

No. Column Type Description
1 activity_drs Character Activity DRS (Data Reference Syntax)
2 institution_id Character Institution identifier
3 source_id Character Model identifier
4 experiment_id Character Root experiment identifier
5 member_id Character A compound construction from sub_experiment_id and variant_label
6 table_id Character Table identifier
7 lon Double The averaged values of input longitude
8 lat Double The averaged values of input latitude
9 dist Double The averaged spherical distances in km between EPW location and grid coordinates
10 interval Factor The label value used to average raw input data
11 datetime POSIXct The datetime value with fake year generated by calling the Epw$data() method with the input EPW
12 year Integer The original year of the raw EPW data
13 month Integer The month value of the morphed data
14 day Integer The day of the morphed data
15 hour Integer The hour of the morphed data
16 minute Integer The minute of the morphed data
17 Variable Name Double The morphed data, where ⁠Variable Name⁠ is the corresponding EPW weather variable name
18 delta Double The shift factor. Will be NA for derived values
19 alpha Double The stretch factor. Will be NA for derived values

The Morphing procedure

Here Morphing is an algorithm proposed by Belcher etc. 2005 used to morph the present-day observed weather files (here the EPWs) to produce future climate weather files. The EPW data is used as the 'baseline climate'.

The first step before morphing is to calculate the monthly means of climatological variables in the EPW file, denoted by <x0>m<x_0>_m. The subscript '0' is to denote the present day weather record, and 'm' is to denote the month.

The morphing involves three generic operations, i.e. 1) a shift; 2) a linear stretch (scaling factor); and 3) a shift and a stretch:

Shift: x=x0+Δxm\textrm{Shift: } x = x_0 + \Delta x_m

Stretch: x=αmxm\textrm{Stretch: }x = \alpha_m x_m

Shift + Stretch: x=x0+Δxm+αm(x0<x0>m)\textrm{Shift + Stretch: } x = x_0 + \Delta x_m + \alpha_m (x_0 - <x_0>_m)


If using a shift, for each month, a shift Δxm\Delta x_m is applied to x0x_0. Δxm\Delta x_m is the absolute change in the monthly mean value of the variable for the month mm, i.e. Δxm=<x0>m<x>m\Delta x_m = <x_0>_m - <x>_m. Here the monthly variance of the variable is unchanged.


If using a stretch, for each month, a stretch αm\alpha _m is applied to x0x_0, where αm\alpha _m is the fractional change in the monthly-mean value of a variable, i.e. αm=<x>m/<x0>m\alpha _m = <x>_m / <x_0>_m. In this case, the variance will be multiplied by to αm2\alpha^2_m

Combined Shift and Stretch

When using a combined shift and stretch factor, both the mean and the variance will be switched off altogether.

For more details about morphing, please see (Belcher etc. 2005)


Belcher, S., Hacker, J., Powell, D., 2005. Constructing design weather data for future climates. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 26, 49–61.

Set CMIP6 index


set_cmip6_index() takes a data.table::data.table() as input and set it as current index.


set_cmip6_index(index, save = FALSE)



A data.table::data.table() containing the same column names and types as the output of init_cmip6_index().


If TRUE, besides loaded index, the index file saved to data directory will be also updated. Default: FALSE.


set_cmip6_index() is useful when init_cmip6_index() may give you too much cases of which only some are of interest.


A data.table::data.table().

Summary CMIP6 model output file status


summary_database() scans the directory specified and returns a data.table() containing summary information about all the CMIP6 files available against the output file index loaded using load_cmip6_index().


  by = c("activity", "experiment", "variant", "frequency", "variable", "source",
  mult = c("skip", "latest"),
  append = FALSE,
  miss = c("keep", "overwrite"),
  recursive = FALSE,
  update = FALSE,
  warning = TRUE



A single string indicating the directory where CMIP6 model output NetCDF files are stored.


The grouping column to summary the database status. Should be a subset of:

  • "experiment": root experiment identifiers

  • "source": model identifiers

  • "variable": variable identifiers

  • "activity": activity identifiers

  • "frequency": sampling frequency

  • "variant": variant label

  • "resolution": approximate horizontal resolution


Actions when multiple files match a same case in the CMIP6 index. If "latest", the file with latest modification time will be used. If "skip", all matched files will be skip and this case will be kept as unmatched. Default: "skip".


If TRUE, status of CMIP6 files will only be updated if they are not found in previous summary. This is useful if CMIP6 files are stored in different directories. Default: FALSE.


Actions when matched files in the previous summary do not exist when running current summary. Only applicable when append is set to TRUE. If "keep", the metadata for the missing output files will be kept. If "overwrite", existing metadata of those output will be first removed from the output file index and overwritten based on the newly matched files if possible. Default: "keep".


If TRUE, scan recursively into directories. Default: FALSE.


If TRUE, the output file index will be updated based on the matched NetCDF files in specified directory. If FALSE, only current loaded index will be updated, but the actual index database file saved in get_data_dir() will remain unchanged. Default: FALSE.


If TRUE, warning messages will show when target files are missing or multiple files match a same case. Default: TRUE.


The database here can be any directory that stores the NetCDF files for CMIP6 GCMs. It can be also be the same as get_data_dir() where epwshiftr stores the output file index, if you want to save the output file index and output files in the same place.

summary_database() uses the tracking_id, datetime_start and datetime_end global attributes of each NetCDF file to match against the output file index. So the names of NetCDF files do not necessarily follow the CMIP6 file name encoding.

summary_database() will append 5 columns in the CMIP6 output file index:

  • file_path: the full path of matched NetCDF file for every case.

summary_database() uses future.apply underneath to speed up the data processing if applicable. You can use your preferable future backend to speed up data extraction in parallel. By default, summary_database() uses future::sequential backend, which runs things in sequential.


A data.table::data.table() containing corresponding grouping columns plus:

Column Type Description
datetime_start POSIXct Start date and time of simulation
datetime_end POSIXct End date and time of simulation
file_num Integer Total number of file per group
file_size Units (Mbytes) Approximate total size of file
dl_num Integer Total number of file downloaded
dl_percent Units (%) Total percentage of file downloaded
dl_size Units (Mbytes) Total size of file downloaded

Also 2 extra data.table::data.table() are attached as attributes:

  • not_found: A data.table::data.table() that contains metadata for those CMIP6 outputs that are listed in current CMIP6 output file index but the existing file paths are not valid now and cannot be found in current database.

  • not_matched: A data.table::data.table() that contains metadata for those CMIP6 output files that are found in current database but not listed in current CMIP6 output file index.

For the meaning of grouping columns, see init_cmip6_index().


## Not run: 

summary_database(by = "experiment")

## End(Not run)